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Showing posts from July, 2015

PARAM:The First Indian Supercomputer

Rajiv Gandhi: The prime minister of India (1984-1989) had returned from USA with disappointment.His first attempt to purchase a supercomputer was failed.Ronald Reagan had politely rejected his plea. His dream to take India to 21st century as an improved country  had suffered from a major draw back. Multiple attempts were made to convince US president but all doors were closed.We knew American policy that the current technology will not be shared to any developing countries like India. Eventually dream of Rajiv Gandhi was over ruled.  Foreign Affairs executives and ministery itself suggested that Russia may sell  its supercomputer. India-Russia had good relationship so it maybe an added benefit to us. The deal went smoothly but US interrupted.USSR was in process of disintegration and many countries broke out of USSR were being formed .America supported these countries.On American intervention Russia withdrew the deal.  The prime minister of India ...